Kakao Pickoma Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Sakura Exchange Exploring Bitcoin Acquisition

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Kakao Piccoma to Subsidize Sakura Exchange Bitcoin (New Economy)-Yahoo! News! Kakao Piccoma, which runs the electronic comic book service Pickcoma, announced on April 1 that it has turned Sakura Exchange Bitcoin (SEBC), a domestic crypto asset brokerage business. Kakao Piccoma, a Korean SNS giant, has turned Sakura Exchange Bitcoin into a subsidiary (New Economy)-Yahoo! Kakao Piccoma, which runs the electronic comic book service Pickcoma, has turned Sakura Exchange Bitcoin (SEBC), a domestic crypto asset brokerage business, into a subsidiary, Kakao Piccoma said on April 1. Kakao Piccoma, a Korean SNS giant, said on April 1 that it has turned into Car news.yahoo.co.jp

Kakao Piccoma announced today that it has acquired Sakura Exchange Bitcoin (SEBC), a Japanese virtual currency exchange. According to a notice posted on the SEBC website on April 1, Kakao Piccoma acquired a stake in SEBC Holdings through a third-party allocation capital acquisition method on February 25 and April 1, which reportedly acquired a majority stake, including all the shares held by SEBC Holdings, and accordingly, two new directors and one auditor were appointed to reorganize the management system. Kakao Piccoma announced today that it has acquired Sakura Exchange Bitcoin (SEBC), a Japanese virtual currency exchange. According to a notice posted on the SEBC website on April 1, Kakao Piccoma acquired a stake in SEBC Holdings through a third-party allocation capital acquisition method on February 25 and April 1, which reportedly acquired a majority stake, including all the shares held by SEBC Holdings, and accordingly, two new directors and one auditor were appointed to reorganize the management system.

Kakao Acquires Virtual Asset Exchange… Kim Bum-soo Founder’s First Global Step [Financial News] Kakao has acquired a virtual asset exchange in Japan. Kakao’s first move, which recently announced its strategy to target the global market with the key keyword ‘Beyond Korea’, has become its global virtual asset market. In particular, in this acquisition of the virtual asset exchange, founder Kim Bum-soo will resign from the board of directors and focus on global business. www.fnnews.com Kakao Acquires Virtual Asset Exchange… Kim Bum-soo Founder’s First Global Step [Financial News] Kakao has acquired a virtual asset exchange in Japan. Kakao’s first move, which recently announced its strategy to target the global market with the key keyword ‘Beyond Korea’, has become its global virtual asset market. In particular, in this acquisition of the virtual asset exchange, founder Kim Bum-soo will resign from the board of directors and focus on global business. www.fnnews.com


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